Motto: To improve children's lives affected by AIDS
through education and to promote women's literacy.

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I have lived in Zambia for more than half my life, 21 years to be exact. I left Zambia in 1992 and finally have an opportunity to go back this year. I can't wait. I know so much has changed and people tell me parts are unrecognizable due to new commerce and international investments, however, I am sure, my old schools and houses I lived in are still the same, at least, still in the same place anyway.

This trip got me reminiscing about so much - I have nothing but the fondest of memories of Zambia. Growing up there, as a young girl, it was awesome and oh, we were so privileged. Company houses, company cars, domestic and garden staff at our beck and call, nothing to worry about and not a care in the world. Education paid for abroad at a school of our choice and visits back home every 3 months, to sun and fun. Countless trips to game reserves, to Victoria Falls, to Manchinchi Bay and Lake Tanganika, Rodwin (if anyone remembers) and Monkey Fountain! Sunday afternoon Indian movies at the cinema hall in Kitwe, eating packs of humbugs and stale corn curls. Drinking so much Jolly Juice, that our tongues turned purple and carrying a perma-purple smile around our lips all day. Swimming pool parties, brais in the garden, tambola extravaganzas, Manchurian fry ups, picnics by the Lake, and so many house parties I can't even remember, and the tastiest home made food and snacks and desserts I have ever eaten! Thanks aunties!! Sneaking out to parties (oh the stories we told our parents), sleep overs, and the huge, extravagant, no expenses spared, Diwali and Holi Parties, with dances and plays and skits, speeches by dignitaries and endless fun!

I owe my great life, lifestyle to be exact, standards, education and so much good fortune to Zambia.

And then I met an old friend recently at a party, and he reminded me of the current state of the country. I had heard a moving speech by Steven Lewis last year on Aids in Africa, particularly on Zambia, and so I went online to do some research. I was shocked at the findings. How could I have been so far removed all this time. The country is dying, literally. Stricken by aids, the average life expectancy is 38 years old, the lowest in the whole world. 1 in 5 children are orphans. Babies are being orphaned at birth, being taken in by relatives, mostly grandmothers. Food is scarce, money non-existent. The people are living by a thread, in a country that gave every one of us so much.

The more I researched, I realised that this trip was no accident. This was more than a nostalgic trip to the country I called home for 21 years. This was a trip with meaning. Hence, "Wings for Zambians" was born. I see Wings for Zambians as the start of so much good we can do for Zambia. Collectively, as a group, we have so much power to give, and to serve.

I have selected three foundations to work with, these are: (please do read: "What we do, Watch our video") (go to Projects we fund - Zambia - Ranchod Hospice in Kabwe and Kabwe Children's Centre Project)

The primary focus is on educating and feeding AIDS orphaned children and on promoting women's literacy.

If you take the time to read through these websites and more if you have time, you will realise the extent of the devastation on this simple, humble country.

I have opened a not for profit account with my bank. We welcome any and all donations, these can be deposited directly into the account, or by cash or cheque sent to me or directly to the bank. All the money collected will be donated directly to the three foundations listed above. The entire trip will be documented and all money donated will be fully accounted for.

Wings for Zambians hopes to act as a vehicle for all individuals wishing to share or serve in any way possible, and at the same time reaching out to our large East Indian community who has any connection with Zambia, so we can support those Zambians who are most in need.

A request is to please forward this email to each and every person on your mailing list. We know that everyone's personal networks reach far and wide, including family and friends, work mates, buddies, etc. The more we get the word out, the more we hope to receive. Support from everyone is needed and welcomed.

I would also love any feedback and suggestions. My contact details are:

Nidhi Gupta



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